gimme a fuckin' freight!
it's gray and rainy rainy gray grainy ray
chuck says "that's fucked!"
packing a bowl around a "campfire" scented candle in the living room is so very similar to the real thing
drank a bottle of wine plus green beans n rice
i'm trying to listen to ian libby talk about his sister and black metal
jazz got ben and i an art show at local sprouts starting the first friday of october.
and today is another rainy day for contemplation and stitching.
mimi makin' my day!
got a extra special package in the mail yesterday from far away and from here i will sending a package of approximate equal size and greatness back away.
i feel constricted again-i didn't feel this way at the beginning of the summer- i think that our extraordinarily small living area has had a negative effect of us, creatively and claustrophobically. 6 days left and then we are homeward bound! homes filled with clean uncluttered drawing tables, large open spaces of wood flooring useful for jewelry making drawing and making a mess, animals, washing machines, free booze, free food, a darkroom which can be easily revamped, driving cars, hanging with halestorm and dani loveliest ladies, the forest, our families and a bit of alone time.
and of course... frank.