Thursday, August 19, 2010

the last 3 days documented streaming consciousness

friends n' buddies n' pals
clicking heels singing along
fan blowin' bowl smokin'
feet tappin' exclamations
red red wine conversation.
i made a great stir fry
cats are the best of friends
it's okay though
all up in yo' mutha fuckin' shit mang
fuck underwear!
meanies bullies bullies meanies

so i guess tonight is blunt night even though it's monday
farmers market, rings and such
kissin' ladies.
shit is all crazy lazy

katie gave herself a sticknpoke of a girl i drew
i patched my favorite leggings
...wan smoka butt?
dude i fucked up! (spilt beer)

made vegan gluten frizee lasagna
blistery boots
ben was trying to lucid dream
got us a big bottle of wine and some eraserhead

time isn't real
mark trick
mermaid phoenix tattoo on the mind
axe to fall tonight ben max ian john and i almost got into a fight with some 50 year old bro-white 401K assholes at otto but instead we just talked shit and flipped em the bird.

"you know the funny thing? beer goes good with sharks!"

also- this man.

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